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🧠 AdvancedCustom Components

Custom Components with useState

Learn to build custom React components in Upstreet Agents, leveraging the useState hook for state management.

useState is a React Hook that lets you add a state variable to your component.

const [state, setState] = useState(initialState)


  • Enables state management in functional components.
  • Updates the component's state and triggers a re-render.


  • Introducing state to a component
  • Modifying state using the previous state as a reference
  • Updating objects and arrays within the state
  • Preventing the recreation of the initial state
  • Resetting state by utilizing a unique key
  • Preserving data from earlier renders

Step 1: Integrate useState with Upstreet agents to build a component that generate random names

  • Install the Upstreet SDK using usdk create

  • Navigate to the agent.tsx file.

  • You will find a pre-built MyAgent component like that.

export default function MyAgent() {
  return (

Step 2: Import dependencies and create NameRandomizer component

Call useState, Prompt and Action at the top level of your component to declare a state variable.

import { useState } from "react";
import { Prompt, Action } from "@upstreet/agents";

Now create a component named NameRandomizer and set your states using useState

const NameRandomizer = () => {
  const [name, setName] = useState(generateRandomName);
  return (

Step 3: Modify the NameRandomizer component

Create a generateRandomName function below the states in which an array of names is present and the function loops through this array to select a random using MATH.floor and MATH.random().

 const generateRandomName = () => {
    const names = ["Brave Falcon", "Silver Fox", "Mystic Owl", "Golden Hawk"];
    return names[Math.floor(Math.random() * names.length)];

Give agent a customized Prompt

        Engage the user by discussing their generated name, "{name}". Offer insights or lore about their name and suggest if they want to generate a new one.

Render the current name and provide a button to generate new name. This button will render the new state

        <p>Your current name is: <strong>{name}</strong></p>
        <button onClick={() => setName(generateRandomName)}>Generate New Name</button>

Define the Action of the agent

        description="React to the new name being generated."
        schema={{ name: "string" }}
        handler={({ agent, data }) => {
          agent.say(`The new name, "${}", has a great backstory!`);

The final state of NameRandomizer look like this.

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Prompt, Action } from "react-agents";
import { z } from 'zod';
const NameRandomizer = () => {
  const generateRandomName = () => {
    const names = ["Brave Falcon", "Silver Fox", "Mystic Owl", "Golden Hawk"];
    return names[Math.floor(Math.random() * names.length)];
  const [name, setName] = useState(generateRandomName);
 return (
        Discuss the generated name, "{name}". Share lore or background about
        it. If the user wants a new name, prompt them to generate one. Be
        engaging and creative with the responses!
        description="Generate a new random name for the user."
          feedbackMessage: z.string(),
            feedbackMessage: "Here’s a fresh and unique name for you!",
        handler={({ agent }) => {
          const newName = generateRandomName();
            `Your new name is "${newName}". It has an intriguing history!`

Step 4: Import NameRandomizer in the Agent Components

export default function MyAgent() {
  return (

Step 5: Test the agent

Run usdk chat in the terminal to test the agent.

You can ask agent

I want to guess random names!

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